Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Screenprinting in Retrospect
Monday, October 26, 2009
Screenprinting 101

Inspired, the art club will be doing their own screenprinting on Tuesday, November 3rd at 9pm. Student Senate has graciously given the art club a budget to work with, so the t-shirts and supplies will be free for students. To reserve your t-shirt, email sauderta@grace.edu, or go to the art club facebook group and accept the invitation to this event. It should be a really neat time.
Our next upcoming event is a Q&A night with our art department professors. Ask them anything!! (Within reason of course) I am in the process of discussing it with them, but it's planned for Tuesday, November 10th at 9pm. Save the date! We are hoping to have it at one of the professor's homes, and I'm sure it will be lots of fun.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Fall 2009 Schedule of Events

Tues Sept. 9: Kickoff event! Ice cream and fixin's provided. Start getting to know fellow students who enjoy art! Meet in the Big Studio room in Mount Memorial at 9pm.
Tues Sept. 15: Studio Night! Come, bring an art project or sketchbook... get feedback on your ideas, or brainstorm with other students. Also enjoy music and snacks!
Tues Sept. 22: Come and learn more about a particular artist (it's a surprise!) and try out some of his unique techniques and subject matters!
Tues Sept 29: TBD
Tues Oct. 6: Learn how to screenprint your own t's! Emilee Hunt will be showing us the process... (Cost still being determined but we'll keep it under $10)
Tues Oct. 13: T-Shirts continued! Now that we know how to screenprint those shirts, let's make them our own! Put your creative energy to use, individualizing your art club shirt.
Tues. Oct. 20: Studio Night again! (because it's that much fun) Come, bring an art project or sketchbook... get feedback on your ideas, or brainstorm with other students. Also enjoy music and snacks!
Tues Oct. 27: Fall break... no meeting.
Tues Nov. 3: Q&A time with your art department professors! Ask them anything!! (within reason) Get to know your profs better outside of class. Bound to be a hilarious time...
Tues Nov. 10: Studio Night! Come, bring an art project or sketchbook... get feedback on your ideas, or brainstorm with other students... bring a friend or two! Also enjoy music and snacks!
Tues Nov. 17: TBD
Tues Nov. 24: TBD
Tues Dec. 1: No meeting... Thanksgiving Break!
Tues Dec 8: Last meeting of the year... the annual Christmas Party! Eat snacks, watch a Christmas movie, bring a friend, and make your own ornaments to put on the Art Club tree for posterity!! ;)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Survival of the Artist
We know there's a lot of advice for art students out there but how much of it is good advice? This article is about life after graduating college and discusses the myths and provides helpful advice for the graduating artist. Follow the link below for your interest:
Saturday, January 31, 2009
En Plein Air: Exhibit Photos
Art Club was proud to present its first exhibit this past Friday the 30th, 2009. Thank you for all of those who were able to come and enjoy. Also, a big thank you to those who entered their works!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Print Magazine

Friday, January 9, 2009
Quotes from Interview magazine
"I don't remember the last time I hated anything."Gedi Sibony
"People say 'the art world' but that's kind of generalizing. I'm not so concerned with it. I just want to hang out with my baby and make art."
Dash Snow
"I used to walk into a room and get on the table and go, 'hee-hah!' I used to believe I was going to live forever. And then you suddenly become aware that you're not. You can walk into the studio one day and just think, this is not me."
Damien Hirst
"Sometimes I see irony in the pieces, but it's not the intention ... people have different definitions of irony. I always think of irony as basically something that's kind of surprising, where you can maybe see an unforseen connection to something."
Jeff Koons
Read more on these artists and their latest work in the recent issue of Interview (Dec/Jan 2009) Also visit Interview's site and find out more about up and coming artists all ranging from fashion to photography to abstraction. Who knows, you may like Andy Warhol after all ... http://www.interviewmagazine.com/
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tumblr. Who would have thought?!
All this to say that Tumblr has stumbled across my path and I have ran into some great artists already! Help your career out today and start a tumblr, you may just find out how much it could help you...